WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 2022 | Last week marked the conclusion of Fr. John’s “VW Bug” Raffle! We are very grateful to everyone who participated in this friendly fundraising campaign. Your contribution helped us raise over $37,000.00 in just little over a month! The raffle drawing took place at Old Mission Santa Barbara, on Sunday, June 5th, 2022 at 12:30 PM. Fr. John Hardin, OFM, addressed everyone who gathered for the drawing and invited Sister Arthur Gordon, DC, to draw the winning ticket. We are thrilled to announce that the winner of the raffle and the new owner of Fr. John’s iconic Volkswagen Beetle Convertible is Kathleen Koster! Kathleen has been a long-time supporter and volunteer at the Fr. Virgil Cordano Center. In Kathleen’s own words “winning the car was a great blessing.” Congratulations Kathy!
All raffle proceeds will benefit the work of the Fr. Virgil Cordano Center (FVCC) and enable us to provide daily meals, access to laundry, offer individual case management, and provide other services to dozens of our clients who visit the Center daily. To learn more about the FVCC, we kindly invite you to watch our video online: www.frvirgilcordanocenter.org

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